Posit is interested in finely crafted, innovative literary and visual art. We accept simultaneous submissions, but please inform us immediately if any part of your submission is accepted elsewhere.

Posit considers only unpublished written work, and acquires first-time North American rights to accepted work. After publication, all rights revert to the author and the work may be reprinted as long as appropriate acknowledgement to Posit is made.  

Posit is a labor of love, paywall and advertising-free, run by an all-volunteer staff of poets. Out of consideration for the editors' time and energy, PLEASE take the time to read what we publish before submitting your work, and do so only if you have reason to believe yours is the kind of work we might be looking for.  

Although we welcome submissions from prior contributors, we ask that you wait six months after your publication before offering us new work.

Similarly, please wait at least six months to submit new work after yours has been declined, unless invited to do otherwise. 

Also, we will consider only one submission from any author or artist at a time -- additional submissions in any category will be returned unread. 

Posit is currently considering submissions for publication in 2025. Depending upon the volume of work we receive, we may choose to close submissions at any time. 

You may contact us with any questions or concerns at: positeditor at gmail dot com. 

Thank you for your interest in Posit!

Please submit links to video or animation that is hosted on Vimeo or YouTube. We consider pieces that are no more than 3 minutes long. Include a one paragraph (50-100 word) bio, an artist's statement,  email address, website, and social media handles. 

We look forward to reviewing your work!

IMPORTANT! Please format your submission exactly as specified below!
1)   12-18 images of your art (high resolution jpegs; title files as follows: “First Name Last Name.Title (Date)”)
(2) One document which includes:
   (a) a short, one-paragraph, third-person biography (50-100 words)
   (b) a first-person artist's statement (maximum 500 words)
   (c) an inventory list, formatted as follows:  Title (date) materials (dimensions)
   (d) your email address, website, and social media handles  

Please consult past issues of Posit for examples. We look forward to reviewing your work!
